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  • Writer's pictureSoumyaranjan Sahoo (The Dekoder)

A Dreamer, But Not The Way You Think

Excited, Nervous…

This is the first time. Oh yes.! This is the first time that Sam is going to meet a girl. First EVER in his whole life. They have been planning for quite a long time but were unable to see each other. Sam has been occupied with his job and couldn’t spare a single time to meet Payal.

He remembered the day at the event when everybody was busy with their friends while she chose to be by his side. At first, it makes him feel awkward as she was a stranger. But after some time they started to talk and got to know each other. It’s been 6 months (more or less) since they met that day.

Today is Raksha Bandhan. Sam has finally got an off day and asked her yesterday if they can meet today. Meeting time was fixed around 4 pm. He still needs to rest as he was half-awake last night due to nervousness. He ate his lunch and talked to his family for a second. It has been raining since sunrise. He thought if they will be able to meet today or not. The time is around 2.30 pm. He messaged her on Whatsapp about their meeting place as it’s been raining the whole day. But she told him to come first and decide later.

The phone is ringing. Sam thought “Who is calling me this early in the morning?” The caller id showed its PAYAL. Sam looked at his clock. It showed 3.50 pm. F$*k. They have decided to meet at 4 pm. He told her that he’ll be there in 20min. He was still on a hangover of sleep but managed to get ready within 10min. The autorickshaws were neglecting him. He thought why always something like this happened when he is busy and wished for having a bike or something like that. The auto took only 10min to reach his stop. He paid the bill and walked towards the college. As he could see the Indian Flag flying high near the main gate, he called her to say that he is here. She told him that she will meet him in 10min. Sam waited for her near the main gate, outside the college.

“Why waiting is so exciting and frustrating at the same time?” Sam questioned himself. He has been waiting for more than 15min. He tried calling his sister for timepass and got a busy line. “She must be talking to Jiju” he concluded. Everybody knows how long will it take when a girl says ‘Just gimme 10mins’. He accepted the universal truth and listened to the Top 50 International Track of on his headphone. The songs have been echoing inside his mind for quite a long time. But suddenly, he saw a face. A known face.

Payal was looking beautiful in her blue top and denim jeans. It’s been a long time since the event and she hasn’t changed a bit. That simple smile, those dizzy eyes, Ufff… He couldn’t decide whether to greet by hugging her or just a handshake. A hug may cross the line. For a handshake, he had to touch that soft hand. He decided to go with just a simple waving Hey. They started to walk in the other direction. Sam asked for a place to talk and she suggested the food court. They walked towards the food court and started talking about her business plan.

Earlier the year, there was an event organized by the entrepreneurship cell. The event was about to inspire young minds for entrepreneurship and help them grow. Payal had been searching for such platforms. Sam found out about the event through Facebook. (See, Facebook is not bad every time.) They talked about their dreams. Sam saw an invisible connection between them. He felt comfortable around her. He assured to be her business partner. The after event party was quite also fun. The two shared each other’s mobile number, added each other on Whatsapp and Facebook. While others were fighting o’er food, they ate their food and left together before everyone else did. He dropped her at the college gate before returning home. He was quite sure that he had found a long lasting friendship within that simple yet beautiful smile.

They were walking towards the food court while Payal was describing him the new platform she has been a part of for a month. The way she talked, the way she represented the platform and all the business talks confused Sam if she was the same Payal he had met in that event or someone else. Before the meeting, they had decided o’er Whatsapp to talk about Sam’s confusion in life as friends do. But it seemed like she has forgotten that part. Sam continued listening to what she said but was disappointed. They say that expectation is the key to disappointment and sadness. And by that time Sam has understood that phrase.

The food court was quite empty. They sat there when she asked him whether he has any doubts about that platform or not. Sam had already told her that he was not interested in doing something like that before over Whatsapp and also had described his reasons to her. Still, she tried convincing him. She looked more of the part of that platform and less of a friend. Sam had started feeling uncomfortable with her. Things went overboard when she called her Senior to come and describe Sam about that platform. Sam had already requested her like a thousand times not to do something like that. He was there to meet his friend not a head or an agent of a successful platform. He was really disappointed with her.

The conversation with the senior revolved around life, luxury, money, opportunity, needs etc. It was more like a business deal and less like a friendly talk. The main reason that Sam was there, was not even in the air. Sam felt suffocated but managed to fake a smile from time to time. He was hoping for someone to take him out of that disgusting situation. He looked at Payal, who was enjoying the senior’s company as an obedient junior. He couldn’t find his friend. That friend who had given him hope to believe in friendship. The conversation was o’er after one and half hour. And there was an awkward silence within Sam. He was dumbfounded after looking at the new Payal.

He had shared his dreams with her. He wanted to be free. He wanted to be an entrepreneur. He wanted to see dreams but not like this. He didn’t want to run after money. He had a plan for his life and wanted to discuss his plans with her that day. He wanted some suggestions, not this. He thought of her as a friend which was proven wrong with time. He was sad. He was mad. He wanted to run. Finally, he gave up on her as a friend. He never wanted to see her again.

A friendship just died even before its beginning.


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