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  • Writer's pictureSoumyaranjan Sahoo (The Dekoder)

An Afternoon In The Neighbourhood

Lying down on the field, gazing into the horizon, I see the sun hiding in the clouds as the wind covers me with the fresh fallen leaves from the nearby tree.

Not sure if it is for real or I’m just hallucinating, I see your eyes in the flying birds as they return to their nest upon the arrival of the dusk.

Can it be possible that I’m just thinking too much of you or are you there in my heart forever and eternity?

Stumbling upon my feelings from time to time, I come here to see you smile through the setting sky. Is it just me or do you also feel the same? Is that why you lure me into your lap with the unforgettable thoughts of yours in every possible way, at uncertain moments of days and nights?

The afternoon wind is taking up the speed as I can see the leaves are starting to float around. I wonder how you’ll look in this breezy afternoon when the strands of your hair will do the drunk dance as you try to control them with your beautiful fingers!!! Or will you let them flow as a free bird in all the directions? I can smell the scented air as if it is coming right past you. Are you hiding somewhere here indeed? Why do I feel like I’m scaring you away from me?

You have already been a girl, a lady, a mother. How can I fall in love with you, again and over? Can the world do justice to this relationship?

Oh!! Silly me. How can I expect the world to do justice to love? And afterall, doesn’t love require only two hearts to accept the feelings?

I may be just a tiny human with a pinch of emotion. I may be just a tiny creature of the ultimate creation. Only if you could accept me for the love I have, my life will be yours for time and beyond.

There is still silence in the chirping birds. There’s still a hush in this windy afternoon. Are you trying to tell me something? Do you accept my love?

Oh, wait. Is this love afterall or not? Or is this just a conspiracy of the world against me? Why does your smile fade away after a little glimpse? Why can’t I come closer to you even though I die all day just thinking about you? Why can’t you take up my offer even after I’m ready to let go of all my earthly desires?

Answer me, O’ Beautiful Nature…


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