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  • Writer's pictureSoumyaranjan Sahoo (The Dekoder)

Delusional, Dependent, And Desperate: Re-imagining Life With Purpose

As we enter adulthood, we are expected to take the responsibility of life. But does it really depend on our age? I wonder. I’ve seen people in their 30’s chilling with their friends in the middle of the day. I’ve also seen people in their 20’s working late in the night just to make their ends meet. In my case, I started planning with my sister to open our own business from 7th grade.

We say that if a person is born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth, he/she has nothing to worry about in his/her life. But can we put our faith in sheer fortune? Fortune is one of the most volatile element in our life. Though some manage to make a great deal out of it, there are instances when your fortune turns as a curse to your life.

They say that live your life to the fullest because every minute is valuable. But how does your life go completely depends on your choices. From my childhood, I’ve been a fan of fantasy, fiction, & mythology. I’ve heard many stories of many people whose birth was planned for a greater good of humanity. I’ve heard stories of great kings who have been the victim of heart-wrenching poverty because of their one mistake. And to add, I think a lot. So, those stories got me thinking about the value of life, about the value of time, about the value of our existence. Since then all I ask myself is one question, “What is the purpose of my existence?”

Life without a goal is like a bird without it’s wings. It can live on for some days, but it can’t fly for sure. Likewise, if you have no goal in your life, there will be no excitement, no expectations, no taste in your life even though you continue to live on.

The things said in the above quote, you must have heard from the elders of your family. I’ve also heard them. Sometimes we feel like we’re being pressurized to find a goal in our life, that without that one goal, our life means nothing. But do you really think that even if you don’t have a goal your existence in the world means nothing? Do you really think that your whole life is meant to serve just one purpose? Ask yourself that question again.

I have written three words in the title; desperate, delusional & dependent. I’ll tell you the story behind those words.

I suffer from depression & anxiety from time to time. And to get out of that mental situation, I take the help of words, be it poetry, be it shayari, be it stories, be it just words. It was one of those times when I expressed my situation, my feelings in these three words to come out of the anxiety and go to sleep.

Later in the moment, when I read those words it simplified the way I see life even more. Here’s what I found.

“Desperate – For Sleepless Dreams, For Unprecedented Goal, For Eternal Break & For Inner Peace”

It is, after all, the most witnessed emotion in this materialistic world. As if we’re in a race, we continue to be restless after the one thing we want the most. For some people, it’s their dreams, goals, achievements, attention. For some, it’s a break from the world and for others, it’s peace. We tend to pursue our attraction in a more desperate way. It is universal… It is life…

“Delusional – For Forbidden Fame, For Selfish Will, For Unconditional Love, For Greater Deeds, & For I, Me & Myself”

On the pursuit of the desire, humankind often comes across the mirage of success, fame, love relationship, and last but not the least, the selfish will. We can’t stop being in the delusion of this materialistic life but it is in our possession to control the desire. However, as a human, delusion is an essence of life. In Hinduism, “Maya” or delusion is considered as one of the creations of God. Without maya, imagining life on earth could have been impossible. Delusion in life helps you keeping the hopes up but as always excess of everything is dangerous.

“Dependent: On Unorthodox Sources, On Sympathetic Satisfaction, On Pertinacious Rules, & On Inevitable Necessities”

Dependent life… As helpless as it sounds, to experience such a life is much worse. But guess what? We all lead a dependent life. Trapped within the boundaries of society with hopes/desires to fulfill, a person often seeks solitude in unconventional sources. Deprived of love or attention, a person uses his unwanted circumstances as a bet for some sympathetic satisfaction. Incapable of raising voice against the transgression, we take shelter under the false establishment of pertinacious rules. In the end, we give our hopes up to the inevitable necessities of daily life for survival.

As harsh as it may be, the 3Ds are the unwanted yet inseparable part of life. They can help you build a better life as well as they have the power to destroy it. Mastering them is the challenge we all have in our life. And in this challenge the pursuit of our purpose is the only ally.

Find the purpose of your life. As time changes, the purpose will evolve and so will you.


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