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  • Writer's pictureSoumyaranjan Sahoo (The Dekoder)

Finding Life At Peace

We, humans are never satisfied. Be it in health, wealth or anything. Longing for more can be called as a human tendency.

With today’s rush for finding happiness & success, its hard to find a place where you can breath in peace without thinking about how will you finish the cover story for the magazine by the weekend or what will you wear for dinner-date tonight.

The thing is that living life has never been easy. And the thing you SHOULD do is accepting the fact that it’ll never be easy. Tweet

As we grow older day by day, we make memories. Lots of memories. Some of them are close to heart like a “Ghee” to your “Paratha”. Whereas, some are like the “Karela Ke Juice” which you badly want to take out of your life.

But, when you stop for a moment and look back in time, everything makes sense. No matter how weird or dreadful might be that moment but it does make sense now.

May be you couldn’t be as emotionally strong as you’re now if the girl hadn’t stumped on your feelings that night. May be you couldn’t be here living happily on your own if it had not been for the big fight you had with your ex-husband.

As my sister says, “Everything we do or say or experience now is already written in the Book Of Fate”. Well, I don’t agree with her completely. But on some level, I feel she is right.

I mean, you know, you do have choices. You always have. It’s up to you if you want to take it or not. It’s up to you if you want to leave the race and start a whole new life or you want to fight until you get it.

But whatever you choose now, will shape your future. And not to forget, it’ll make sense.

While taking a life decision, you should think carefully. But you should NEVER overthink. You know, sometimes when we can’t decide on which way to choose and cross the “thinking-barrier”, we end up hurting ourselves.

Life is difficult, Yes. But it’s not that difficult that we can’t solve. Make your choices. Some might turn out to be good ones, some can be bad ones. But make sure that you’re ready for whatever be the consequence to it.

At a point, when you’ll sit back & look through your memories you’ll find one thing. IT ALL MAKES SENSE. Take a moment to regret on your bad choices. Take pride on your good moves. Take credit for what you’ve done for yourself.

Peace will find you.


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