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  • Writer's pictureSoumyaranjan Sahoo (The Dekoder)

Leap of Faith

The poem 'Leap of Faith' by The Dekoder

I left the road most travelled,

Freed myself off the chain,

Yet above the roof,

Under the stars,

All I feel is pain…

My spirit has taken flight,

Dreams are yet to,

And shrugging off the thoughts,

I ask my body not to…

All it takes just one step,

I can feel the air, cold,

No one will ever believe me,

How can I be so bold?

Should I just take the leap,

And see what the world has to say,

I secretly wish for a grand memorial,

But what if they say yay!

No, never should I ever give in,

I've told myself many times,

No cleanse, no dry,

No letting out a cry,

Having Faith is not a crime…

-- Leap of Faith by The Dekoder


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