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  • Writer's pictureSoumyaranjan Sahoo (The Dekoder)

Open The Door, To A New ‘Normal’

The world is a mysterious place. As we continue to live day after day, many things have unfolded and changed our lives. The recent events of Coronavirus have had a huge impact on our daily lives. The ‘Normal’, in which we’ve been living for so long, is no longer expected or accepted in the present and most probably in the future. The social gatherings, the late-night parties with friends, the handshakes, the bear hugs… everything has changed. Forget the source of the virus. Ignore the political propaganda. Nature has, once again, made us realize of its universal constant. Change. Breaking all of our rigorous routines, the world has forced us to adjust to the new ‘Normal’.

“Change is the law of the World.” Lord Krishna

Living life in the old world was quite manageable, if not easy. There were rules. There were people with experiences of years. There were suggestions. There were references to a livelihood. But how should we enter this new era? How could we manage to make a living without getting our health and life at stake? What steps should we take? Honestly, nobody knows.

As a living creature, it’s our tendency to adapt to the change easily. But as a human, we are afraid of change. As the evolution continued, we became more reliable and comfortable in our own world that we almost forget about form where we came from. If we look back in time, we were once a creature from the jungle. We did survive the consequences of many apocalypses that we don’t even remember. But with time, we seem to forget that. It is in our blood to adapt to every change. It might seem frightening at first, but we do. And if there is a case of extinction, then we will extinct. No one can stop it. But that doesn’t mean we will not live today.

As I was saying, change is the only constant that makes the world running. And if we do not comply with its rules, it certainly has its consequences. Open up your mind to the unknown. As I’ve said earlier, no one knows what the future holds. No one can advise you to do the right thing. And even if you get some advice from someone, there are no guarantees that it will work 100%. So, keep yourself open to every possibility. It may be good or bad. Prepare yourself to face it regardless of the effect.

“A man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he becomes.” Lord Krishna

Yes, the future looks uncertain. But there’s one thing, which I believe, that you have your full control over. Your choices. It can certainly change the course of your life. So, choose wisely. Sometimes, situations make us feel lost in our path. It makes us question our choices. Don’t let it harm your growth. You may have chosen the wrong path in the past. But that doesn’t mean you can’t choose the next right thing.

The new world will be so much fun and exciting only if there is a combined effort of the new ‘us’. If we don’t change with the time, it won’t wait for us and we will have to suffer.

“Whatever happened was good. What’s happening is going well. Whatever will happen will also be good. Do not worry for the future. Live in the present.” Lord Krishna

So, what do you think of the new world? How’re you planning to contribute your part? Let me know in the comment section below.


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