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  • Writer's pictureSoumyaranjan Sahoo (The Dekoder)

Weekend Conversations – Ep. 1

Life is getting hard. So does the answer to survival. While most of the people have already lost their job, some are still trying to make a living out of what they are getting. However, the social media trend to write a post on job situations, sharing memes on job loss, while ignoring the people who actually need help, with the sole purpose to get attention is increasing day by day. It might not look like something big who still holds a well-paid job. But for a person who has just lost a job without being given any clarification, it’s harsh.

Let’s not just post a thread or share a meme for the sake of attention, for the sake of “#trend”, but also to actually be a human by helping others.

In my new venture with “Weekend Conversations”, I tried to narrate the above situation in the first episode. Do give it a read and let me know your thoughts.

Life is getting hard. So does the answer to survival. While most of the people have already lost their job, some are still trying to make a living out of what they are getting. However, the social media trend to write a post on job situations, sharing memes on job loss, while ignoring the people who actually need help, with the sole purpose to get attention is increasing day by day. It might not look like something big who still holds a well-paid job. But for a person who has just lost a job without being given any clarification, it's harsh. Let's not just post a thread or share a meme for the sake of attention, for the sake of "#trend", but also to actually be a human by helping others. In my new venture with "Weekend Conversations", I tried to narrate the above situation in the first episode. Do give it a read and let me know your thoughts. #ShortStory #Story #Stories #Shortstories #TheDekoder #whatsomsays #Life #job #JobSearch #Hiring #storytelling #storyteller #writing #WritingCommunity #Writers #Writer

A post shared by The Dekoder (@dekoderatinsta) on Jul 4, 2020 at 7:54am PDT


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