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  • Writer's pictureSoumyaranjan Sahoo (The Dekoder)

Where You & I Belong...

Where You & I Belong

You make me fall for you, In each & every sight, You make my heart glow, In my darkest night... I long for you, The heart keeps aching, Your moves are bewitching, Or is it me who's tripping!? My thoughts are trapped In your constant burbling, Sometimes it shows the way, Sometimes it is baffling... You make me smile, It feels like home, I'm lost in my sight, No, I don't just want to roam... I've been to the waves, They made me think of you, Can you think of me sometime, Oh, you know, for an hour or two... The stroke of your touch, Made my heart race hard, Oh, don't get me wrong, It just flew like a bird... I tried to restrain me, From falling again & again, But its a different experience, Feels like the fresh smell of rain... You're not alone in the woods, No, don't listen to them, they're wrong I'm waiting for you at the sea, Where you & I belong... - The Dekoder


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