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  • Writer's pictureSoumyaranjan Sahoo (The Dekoder)

Why Can’t I?

The meeting got started and everyone was there But I was the one who got all the stare…

He accused me with something, nothing less than shit And continue doing that until I lose my shit…

I shouted at him with all my anger Everyone was shocked as it felt like thunder…

I argued my thoughts over and over He neglected me like no and never…

I cried for hours with burdens on my chest I shivered, I shivered and what more can I expect?

I looked over there and found them laughing Laughing like donkeys, the foolish human being…

I closed my eyes and saw His face The one who got me here, smiling with grace…

I cried before Him with hands in the air Asking Him to let me out with my little prayer…

I asked Him why, Why can’t I? Have a sweet life like a tasty pie…

I asked Him why, Why I have to? Bear these nonsense comments from a bastard chu***…

He laughed out loud after a little break His flute just shined making me awake…

I looked at the clock on the mobile screen It showed me 2 at night just like a Jean…

I couldn’t sleep again for more than 2 hours As time grew slower, moments tasted like sours…

Through the small window, I looked at the sky Hoping for The angel, I let out a shy…


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